Liberation Road CMD, Accra-Ghana




Our Services

Printing Service

From business cards to banners, our printing services are here to make your vision tangible. We offer a wide range of printing options to meet your marketing and promotional needs. High-quality, vibrant colors, and attention to detail are at the core of our printing services. We're your one-stop-shop for brochures, flyers, posters, and more.

Branding and Logo Design

Your logo is the face of your brand. Our branding and logo design service focuses on creating distinctive, memorable, and visually striking logos that resonate with your target audience. We understand the importance of a strong brand identity and are committed to crafting a logo that stands the test of time.

Packaging Design

Packaging is often the first point of contact between your product and the customer. Our packaging design service is all about making that first impression a remarkable one. We create packaging solutions that not only protect your product but also tell a compelling brand story. Our designs help your product leap off the shelf and into the hands of your customers.

What our customers are saying about us after using our services and products.



I am impressed with the key employees you have hired as they are taking care of business “Doreen” if you were doing our work yourself. Keep it up

Richy Best Customer Service

I have used Company Printing both personally an professionally and have always been more than satisfied with the final result

Matilda Quality Printing

The staff was great. Ben did an excellent job. Doreen was even friendly.... I really appreciate the service. It saved us time and money on our newsletter. Doreen gave excellent advice on the mailing. Thank You

Joe Customer service

Foy your Designs,Branding,Print &Packaging.Call us

Designing Tomorrow, Printing Today: Your Creative Partner for Stunning Results.Printed Perfection, Designed Distinction: Where Imagination Meets Precision